
You KNOW what day it is!! Aloha Friday means the start of my weekend so I always look forward to it!! Don't forget to visit An Island Life for more Aloha Friday!!
Aloha Friday ~ My Questions is:
What's the last thing you did just for YOURSELF?
(My answer is: I went to Yoga!)


Anonymous said...

I went clothes shopping!

Shannon said...

I cleaned my kitchen sink - LOL :)

Now it's pearly white :)

A Psych Mommy said...

I did laundry (I needed clean work clothes) I know, I know, I need to work on this!

Tara said...

Took a shower (which I do everyday LOL) lol You know with kids.. and feeling guilty every other second.. I just don't take care of me like I should.. Some day lol

Anonymous said...

indulged in chocolate. Yum!
Ok my question is up now. LOL

Margo said...

I took a fabulous bubble bath after exercising the other evening and then put on pjs and read a book I wanted to read.

Jenn@ The Crazies said...

I had my nails done last weekend. I do this every 2 weeks for me... it my time! (oh and I usually work out BUT was on a semi-vaca this week!):)

Anonymous said...

The last thing I did for myself was to place an order at Bath & Body Works. I got some Sweet Pea body spray and lotion, and I LOVE it!

Jean Stockdale said...

Manicure. Thanks for stopping by my site and leaving a comment. I also love Ps. 23. How many times how I returned to that familiar favortie to meditate on God's gracious care for His flock.Blessings.

Upstatemamma said...

I am not sure I can remember. I think I took a few naps when Baby Sister was a new infant. Does that count? :)

Anonymous said...

Agree with Tara. Right now, taking a shower is pretty much the only thing I've done for myself since my second son was born almost 3 months ago.

Jenni said...

I ordered a new blog layout!

Redkathy said...

I bought some chocolate! Yummy

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Thanks for dropping on at Thrifty Thursday! I love new friends! I hope you will play along this week. Aloha Fridays sounds cool. I will have to check that out.

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I exercised. But I get to have a massage really soon! ;-)

Jaime said...

i went to the gym. and tomorrow i'll leave the munchkin with my parents and actually spend some time alone with the hubby